Welcome to our Notice Board

Items of interest to Ordnance Field Park members, and Vietnam Veterans in general, will be posted here. If you have any item/s for our Notice Board please
contact us with the details.

Bob Nash (WebMaster)

17 March 2009

Yoga for War Veterans and their Partners

Yoga for War Veterans and their partners (adult children also welcome).

Yoga has helped many war veterans and their loved ones to heal from the debilitating effects of post-traumaticstress disorder and other health problems. Yoga offers principles and practices which encourage positive changeand transformation. Many of these are simple and easily applied in daily life. Yoga stretching, breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation all provide practical ways of reducing stress and anxiety by releasing tensions and encouraging the parasympathetic nervous system to become more active. They are also tools for reducing insomnia, managing anger and creating positive feelings and patterns. As well as such techniques, yoga provides a philosophy of life which is positive, creative and open.

Join other veterans and their loved ones for a unique retreat – choose either the weekend or 5 day option. If you want more info they can call the Yoga Centre – 03 6228 28 44, or read the the following brochure (pdf file).
(This item was sent in by John Galpin for the information of members).

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